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5 Essential Tips for Treating Your Pool After a Texas Storm

Updated: Apr 22, 2023

Couple relaxing at a pool

Texas storms can be intense, bringing heavy rain, strong winds, and lightning strikes that can affect your pool's cleanliness and chemical balance. As a pool owner, it's important to know how to properly treat your pool after a storm to prevent damage and ensure it remains a safe and healthy swimming environment. In this blog post, Cantara Cleaning will discuss some essential tips for treating your pool after a Texas storm.

1. Remove Debris

After a storm, your pool may be filled with debris such as leaves, branches, and other foreign objects. It's important to remove any debris from the pool as soon as possible to prevent clogging the pool filter system. Use a net to remove any floating debris and brush the walls and floors of the pool to loosen any stuck-on debris.

2. Check the Water Level

Heavy rain can cause the water level in your pool to rise, which can dilute the chemical balance and reduce the effectiveness of your pool chemicals. Check the water level and adjust as needed by draining excess water or adding more water to restore the correct level.

3. Check the Chemical Balance

Rainwater can also affect the chemical balance of your pool, leading to high levels of chlorine demand and pH fluctuations. Test your pool water using a reliable pool water test kit, and adjust the chemical balance as necessary. A pool service professional can also help you determine the right chemicals to use and how to apply them safely.

4. Check the Pool Equipment

After a storm, check your pool equipment, including the pump, filter, and heater, for damage or malfunctions. If you notice any damage, contact a pool service professional to have it repaired or replaced.

5. Shock the Pool

Finally, shock your pool with a high dose of chlorine to kill any bacteria or contaminants that may have entered the pool during the storm. Follow the instructions on the chlorine package carefully, and be sure to wait the recommended amount of time before allowing anyone to swim in the pool.

In conclusion, treating your pool after a Texas storm is essential to maintaining a safe and healthy swimming environment. By removing debris, checking the water level and chemical balance, inspecting pool equipment, and shocking the pool, you can prevent damage and ensure that your pool is ready for swimming once again. At Cantara Cleaning, we provide professional pool cleaning and maintenance services to help keep your pool in top condition all year round.

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